Confine Small Emergencies in a Facility
$1595 Up to 10 participants
Course Content
This course covers emergencies in a facility which include incidents such as small fires that can be controlled using a fire extinguisher; chemical spills that can be controlled using facility personal protective clothing and equipment and a spill kit; or a vehicle accident where there is no significant injury or damage. Participants must be physically capable of operating any equipment associated with containing a small emergency.
This course utilises a combination of theory and practical work to prepare participants for dealing with small workplace emergencies. Small workplace emergencies may include such incidents as a small fire that can be controlled using a nearby fire extinguisher; or a chemical spill that can be controlled using workplace personal protective clothing and equipment, and a small spill kit; or a workplace vehicle accident where there is no significant injury or damage. This unit places responsibility on individual employees in the workplace to identify, assess and safely confine workplace emergency situations. This requirement is consistent with the legislative obligations of employees as prescribed in OHS legislation. The unit may also be used for planning for future operations in the workplace.
This unit will provide participants with the skills and knowledge required to confine small fire incidents; chemical spills; or a workplace vehicle accident. Participants must be physically capable of operating any equipment associated with containing a small emergency.
Learning Objectives
After successful completion of this course the trainee will have demonstrated competence in:
- Location of emergency resources in their work area
- Checking serviceability of response equipment
- Characteristics of fire and fuel types
- Types of fire extinguishers
- Use of extinguishers to contain fire in the workplace
- Emergency and response is documented and reported, in accordance with the facility emergency plan
- Documentation and reporting of incidents according to workplace procedures
Qualification(s) Issued
On successful completion of this course, you will be issued a statement of attainment in PUAFER008 Confine small emergencies in a facility.
Delivery Mode(s)
Face-to-face practical session
Additional Information
A successful outcome for this statement of attainment will be determined by a range of different assessment methods including a questionnaire, observation of simulated and practical activities etc.
Participants must wear appropriate clothing and closed-in footwear.
For all three courses (PUAFER005, PUAFER006 & PUAFER008) please contact bookings@richriverfirstaid.com.au.au for pricing.