Safety Courses & Emergency Training


This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to effectively fulfil their duties as a Warden in the event of an emergency. The course covers the obligations and requirements of a Warden across a range of emergencies, and how they integrate into the Emergency Control Organisation structure.


The course explains the obligations and requirements of a Warden and the Chief Warden/Deputy Chief Warden across a range of emergencies, and how they integrate into the Emergency Control Organisation structure. This unit covers the competency required to make decisions about people’s safety during a workplace emergency and to give instructions on the priority order for responding to the emergency incident area.


This course covers emergencies in a facility which include incidents such as small fires that can be controlled using a fire extinguisher; chemical spills that can be controlled using facility personal protective clothing and equipment and a spill kit; or a vehicle accident where there is no significant injury or damage. Participants must be physically capable of operating any equipment associated with containing a small emergency.